Horse Teeth Rend Flesh

A few months back, I decided to build a system for creating adventure games as a portfolio project. Now, I present the first complete adventure game designed using this engine. Based on the creepy-as-hell horse pictures I would constantly startle my friends with, this adventure will have you running and hiding from the nutty horror of flesh-eating horses. Enjoy.

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F.E.A.R. and its Expansions

Fight Endlessly Amongst Repetition.

Find Exit And Repeat.

Features Endless Architectural Recursion.

Obviously, this is one of those acronyms where they chose the word before deciding what each letter stood for. One of the most fun things about F.E.A.R. is that you can spend hours fleshing out that acronym, coming up with better results than the official version. F.E.A.R., Monolith’s first person shooter/psychological horror game, is short for “First Encounter Assault Recon”, the special forces team you play as a member of. It is a title that dares you to make sense of it, as it is full of vague contradictions. The only way I can rationalize this title as the name of a strike team is if I were to imagine them as a group of soldiers who just wander around, looking for something they have never seen before. When the soldiers eventually find something new (first encounter), they shoot it (assault), and then go over to the new thing they just killed/broke and glean information from it somehow (recon).

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